Protocol Drone – Vert 1 Plane – Vertical Take Off/Landing RC Plane – Remote Control Plane with Brushless Motors – Stunt Flight Mode – Perform Air Tricks – Easy and Fun to Fly – Rechargeable

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FUN TO FLY: Looking to perform the most impressive air tricks and stunt flights? The Protocol Vert 1 Plane is the remote-controlled plane that empowers pilots to make every flying session something to remember. With the touch of a button, switch from vertical to 6G horizontal flight. There’s even a 3D stunt flight mode, which allows pilots to perform rolls and other air tricks
TAKE OFF WITH EASE: The Vert 1 Remote Control Plane takes off just like a rocket! With vertical takeoff and landing capability, its built-in gyro and on-board altitude sensor with auto launch, hover, and land functionality make it easy and fun to fly
ULTRA-RELIABLE: The ultra-reliable 2.4 Gig transmitter remote control works to supply clear, wide area reception and sports an LCD screen that provides real-time feedback of battery levels, trim indicators, and more
POWERFUL PUNCH: Vert 1 is lightweight enough to be crash-resistant, yet packs a powerful punch. Every brushless motor within it is nothing short of big-time power—each lasts longer, and are typically quieter than other motors. The remote’s rechargeable battery stays charged for an extra-long amount of time, so that you can complete every trick in the sky!
PROTOCOL: Where form, function, and fun play together. Gifts and sporting goods for all that are well-designed, crafted, and capable. The combination of real-world practicality and a dose of fun for all ages!
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