Aviation: History of Aviation: Aeroplanes, Balloons and the Zeppelin – From: da Vinci and The Wright Brothers to Modern Fighter Planes. How The Icarus Dream Became a Reality


Nowadays, people always use airplanes to get to their destinations. Instead of spending several days taking the bus or train, they prefer a flight that will take three hours at most. In an era when every minute of our day is precious, we can’t afford to waste time on ground transportation.

But how did planes first came into being? Who came up with the idea of sticking some wings to a frame to make them fly? How did they manage to fly in the first place? There are so many questions that we want answered – which is exactly what this book is planning to do for you. Here, you will discover:

– Legends that first inspired the dream of flying in humans.
– Early flying machine ideas and the person who first turned legends into actual theories.
– Early successful attempts at flying using hot air as a medium.
– The first actual winged airplane and what it took to bring it into the air.
– The role of airplanes during critical moments such as the war.
– The technological advancement of airplanes in the form of the supersonic jet, Concorde.
– The future of aircraft and what we (or our descendants) can expect to see.

Mainly, this book covers the main progress of airplanes – from the beginning and into the future. It includes the test runs, the successes, the failures – how we learned from tragedies in order to make our futures better.

Last but not least, this book doesn’t stop at the present – because the future is also important. Curious where the future of airplanes will take us? As humans, we will never stop trying to reach into the sky; it’s in our nature to want more than what we already have, so in the future, it’s most likely that today’s airplanes will also become history.
You’ll just need to find out how by reading this book.

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Home » How To Fly A Drone » Aviation: History of Aviation: Aeroplanes, Balloons and the Zeppelin – From: da Vinci and The Wright Brothers to Modern Fighter Planes. How The Icarus Dream Became a Reality