Team Black Sheep TBS Tango 2 Standard – FPV RC Radio Drone Controller (PCB V3)

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Team BlackSheep has been at the forefront of perfecting the interface between FPV drone and mind. The TBS Tango 2 changes how radio remote controls will be from here on out!
Despite being the smallest remote control available, it comes with full size HAll gimbals, full-featured FreedomTX (temporary OpenTX fork), the lowest end-to-end latency of any remote and transmission system, unbreakable 3 & 2-position switches, open source operating system, built-in battery, USB-C charging, and so much more!
It’s not just a retouched game controller, it was designed from the ground up for R/C! The form factor and features make it the ideal take-anywhere, fly-anytime remote control.
The first radio with TBS Crossfire built in. This significantly lowers your cost, increases reliability and minimizes set up time.
And the cherry on top are the LUA scripts being part of the familiar user interface. The antenna swivels out of the way, or doubles as a kick-stand when resting. TBS Cloud ready to go from the start. It all just makes sense.
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