Ohm – A World in Harmony (Ohm Drone) for Meditation, Yoga, Reiki and Sound Therapy

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Experience the elliptical and vibrational nature of this unique recording. Sounds from nature and acoustic instruments blend to create a sustained tone that is nuanced and mesmerizing. Consider this recording as an alternative to white noise.
There is a spiritual purity to Ohm. The drone presented here is rich with overtones and harmonics that are uplifting – even joyous. The drone is in the key of Ohm— a therapeutic frequency recommended for stress relief and Sound Therapy.
Subtly varied, this continuous tone is deeply relaxing, ideal for shamanic journeying, meditation practices & pain management. Sound Healing music harmonizes with the sound vibration of Ohm Tuning Forks, enhancing their effectiveness.
The Ohm tone exists in the harmonically rich valley between the notes of C and C sharp. This earth tone is familiar: its frequency is based on the earth’s orbital path around the sun over the course of a year. OM is an iconic tone, sacred to Buddhist and Hindu spiritual traditions, and contemporary Sound Healing practices.
Ohm Therapeutics promotes the pioneering works of Marjorie de Muynck (1952-2011), M.Sc. in Music Education and M.Sc. in Oriental Medicine, Hon., who developed two Sound Healing systems featuring applied vibration and tuning forks based on planetary frequencies.
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